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Cosmetics Ingredients
The material selection platform
Cosmetics Ingredients

Reasons for Teaching Cosmetic Formulation

SpecialChem / Nick Morante – Jan 18, 2007

On the rise is the need for teaching and training in the very specialized field of cosmetics formulation. This is a very difficult task because there are many obstacles to overcome. There are many areas of cosmetics formulation that must be first considered. There are many very good and pertinent reasons for teaching cosmetics formulation. Cosmetic formulation is not a subject that is taught in any undergraduate chemistry program. Also, there aren't that many teachers left out there. The different areas that formulators specialize in can be treatment and personal care, hair care, makeup and color cosmetics, toiletries, fragrances and perfumery, or even pharmaceuticals and OTC drug products. I really don't know of many people in the industry who is an expert on each and every one of these topics. I know some people who may be fluent in one, two or even three of these disciplines, but not all of them. In fact, some formulators who specialize in color and decorative cosmetics may have a minimal knowledge of the other areas, but people who have expertise in the treatment and personal care, hair care and toiletries most likely do not have any experience in makeup and color cosmetics.

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